October 10 - 13, 2024

Caring for myself: Yoga, Art & Nature in Autumn

Caring for myself: Yoga, Art & Nature Retreat.

"When you know beyond all doubting that the same life flows through all that is and you are that life, you will love all naturally and spontaneously. When you realize the depth and fullness of your love of yourself, you know that every living being and the entire universe are included in your heart."
-Nisargadatta Maharaj

How many times do we find ourselves distracted and over-stimulated by our environment (social networks, music, TV series, movies, etc…) that steal our attention away from ourselves?

The practice of yoga and meditation is an opportunity to return to ourselves, take care of our body and mind, and attend to our emotions.
We invite you to Casa Cuadrau on Puente del Pilar, a retreat space in the mountains where you can slow down, take care of yourself, release tensions and enjoy spacious time to look deeply within.

  • Take a break, breathe and reconnect with Nature
  • Take care of yourself and cultivate what is truly important in your life
  • Recharge with energy and learn techniques and tools to make your
    daily life more serene, balanced and healthy

Who is this retreat for?

For everyone, regardless of physical condition, level of practice or age. Because yoga practice is for everyone. 

During these days we will practice daily:

  •     yoga asanas
  •     pranayama
  •     meditation
  •     meditative hiking
  •     mindfulness techniques

Rates include

All meals made with love in our vegetarian kitchen.
3 nights of accommodation.
Guided meditations.
3 yoga and movement classes.
1 tea ceremony.
1 satsang.
1 relaxation session.
1 art and creativity session.
1 guided meditative hikes.
1 long half-day excursions in the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park.
All taxes, public liability and accident insurance for activities: hiking and yoga.

Not included

Rates per person on a scale by room type

We propose a sliding scale, where contributions vary, according to the economic possibilities of each person. They are based on trust, solidarity and reciprocity. More information in the SLIDING SCALE tab.

Rates per person
Type of accommodationAssistedStandardGenerous
Without accommodation385 €440 €
495 €
Shared bedroom415 €470 €525 €
Double room with shared bathroom-520 €575 €
Single room with shared bathroom-570 €625 €
Double room with bathroom-590 €650 €
Single room with bathroom-677 €735 €
Double room with bathroom "confort +"-610 €665 €
Single room with bathroom "confort +"-700 €755 €
Suite with terrace double occupancy-640 €695 €
Suite with terrace single occupancy-760 €815 €

To reserve, you will only have to make a payment of 200 euros as a deposit.


Casa Cuadrau is a Cooperative Society of Social Interest.

We want our programs to be accessible to the greatest number of people, regardless of their economic situation.

This is why we put forward a sliding scale contribution system, to adapt to the economic capabilities of each person. The sliding scale is based on trust, solidarity and reciprocity.

Rates vary depending on the type of accommodation. There is a minimum price (assisted rate*), a standard price and a maximum (generous rate).

Minimum prices are available for the shared dorms or for the “no accommodation” options (if you stay in your van).

Please consider paying the highest rate you can afford, to support others in a more difficult financial situation. You will also be supporting Casa Cuadrau to continue renewing its facilities.

To reserve, you will only have to make a payment of 200 euros as a deposit.
You can make the remaining payment at the end of the retreat by credit card or cash.

Remember that you can also make a donation here.

*If you cannot afford any of these fees, consider applying for a Karma Yoga/Volunteer program (minimum stays are of 8 weeks).

At the end of the retreat we will open a space for donations. With your generosity you are supporting Casa Cuadrau (Cooperative of Social Interest) and its team. You are also enabling other fellow practitioners, who are in a more difficult financial situation, to attend our programmes.


Yoga classes are for all levels of practice. The sessions combine Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga principles, as well as movement and mobility exercises.

There is one yoga class per day. The classes are usually dynamic, except after the long meditative hikes there are gentle yoga classes (yin yoga).

Yoga classes are progressive, variations for different levels of practice and particular limitations are always offered.

Meditative walks and hikes are esencial practices in our retreats. They are very simple and accesible for everyone.

They help us to understand, through experience, our deep connection with nature. It makes us notice in each step and in each breath, that the energy that exist inside us it is just the same as the energy that exists out there.

Nature is our greatest teacher. Silence and deep listening helps us enrich the experience She offers.

There will be one 90 minute meditative walk in nature, opening the senses and developing mindfulness.

A day will be dedicated to meditative hiking, starting just after breakfast and coming back for a gentle yoga session. It is a perfect opportunity to enjoy the wonders of the the Ordesa National Park or surrounding areas.

Everyday there will be guided meditation sessions, in the morning. The best way to start the day.

We practice simple techniques that are easy to carry on at home. We use universal elements to all of us as concentration objects, such as the breath, the body sensations, sounds, etc.

In Sanskrit, Sat means truth and Sang means group or community. Satsang is a gathering to share our concerns, questions, and our deepest insights. It is also a time to meditate together, contemplate nature and sing meditative songs or mantras.

A moment of silence to connect with nature, with yourself and with the group. Sharing a bowl of “living tea” we deepen all the richness that dwells in “the way of tea” (Cha Dao).

We give ourselves the opportunity to make from something ordinary something extraordinary and full of meaning.

Karma Yoga is Yoga in action = finding skillfulness and integration in any action.

We bring the principles of Yoga in everything we do. We invite you to practice Karma Yoga by helping us with simple tasks of the house as fetching water from the fountain, chopping vegetables, drying dishes, etc.

We will have some planned activities to awaken our creativity being inspired from the connection with nature and with ourselves.

We will explore art through dance, painting and writing, to name a few proposals. It will be a time to experience and feel, and thus allow us to get to know ourselves better.

Through silence, calmness and the awakening of our senses it gets easier to connect with our creative power. In some of us this power is forgotten, asleep. We just need space, practice and care to cultivate it.

These activities are intended to connect us with our listening skills and our intuition, so we can let emerge what we carry inside. The essence is in the process, in self-discovery and exploration. The result does not matter, but our ability to be present, to relax and to rediscover ourselves, without judging. In this way, we broaden our vision with another perspective, from which we recognize, accept and embrace what arises.

6:30 Wake-up
7:00 Meditation
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Meditative walk
11:30 Yoga & movement session
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Free time
17:00 Satsang
19:00 Dinner
22:00 Descanso

DATES: October 10 to 13, 2024.
LEVELS: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.


The retreat starts on Thursday, October 10th. Check-in is from 15 to 16:30h. Then, there will be a yoga class and an introduction, followed by a dinner and an opening of the retreat. The retreat finishes on Sunday, October 13th at 12:30h, after brunch.


Katya Ríos

Yoga and meditation

Daniel Benito

Mountain guide and meditation

Discover yoga as an Art of Living