Autumn Equinox: two retreat options

Autumn Equinox

Two retreat options

September 20 - 24, 2024

- Limited availability -

We offer you two retreat options to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in the mountains.

Depending on what you need, you can choose to stay at Casa Cuadrau to celebrate Summer Solstice with a Yoga, Meditation and Hiking Retreat with Rituals, or to go on a Long Trekking Retreat in the mountains, sleeping under the stars.

Two options to finish the Summer season

The end of Summer, beginning of Autumn is the time to connect with the earth element. Honor the land that gives us food, support, sustenance and stability. The earth is the structure in nature and in us, that holds energy. This element connects us with ourselves.

That’s why we want to invite you to choose any of these two nature retreat options that suit you best:

1. Yoga, Movement & Hiking Retreat

If you are interested in connecting with nature and offering you time to yourself to honor its beauty and its gifts through yoga, movement, hiking, and deep rest come to celebrate at Casa Cuadrau. 

2. Long Meditative Trekking and Yoga Retreat 

A nourishing and deep experience following the footprints of the urogallos – a wonderful three-day two-nigh hike in the high mountains of the Pyrenees. 

An option if you want to explore the beautiful Gistain Valley and the Natural Park of Posets and Maladeta and climb the famous three thousand meter peak: Bachimala.

Descubre el yoga como un Arte de Vivir