Daughter of the Mountain – 7 días de inmersión en la naturaleza entre mujeres

Daughter of the Mountain

7 day Re- Naturing Immersion

Octubre 16 - 22, 2024.

- Programa ofrecido en inglés -


Daughter of the Mountain is a cellular return to the origin of your essence. A gathering of collective beauty & inspirational sister-ship, in the unwavering presence & strength of the Mountains.

Not a "Retreat", but a "Returning"

Can you hear the whispers of the mountain calling you to gather? A sanctuary suspended in time & space, guided by the «ourea», the «primodial spirits» of the land. Where we remember we are the wild daughters of the mountain. Our village of women welcomes you with warmth, depth & stability.


“A transcendent melting into the essence of your wild & boundless nature free of identities, roles, and expectations – we remember where we came from & why were here.”


Ritual ~ Regulation ~ Receptivity ~ Rapture


  • Women’s Temples
  • Satsang Circles
  • 1 Day Yin Silence
  • Yin Yoga
  • Dance
  • Poetry and Prayer
  • Tea Ceremony
  • Ceremonial nude Art
  • Mountain pilgrimages
  • Sunrise/Sunset Rituals

«An enchanting landscape where your deepest thirst for living is quenched
in the steady magnificence of nature’s fertile reflection.”

This intentionally curated experience includes:

3 daily organic meals & snacks
6 nights & 7 days accommodation
Airport transfers to & from Barcelona to the venue
all workshops, temples, yoga, tea ceremony & excursions
small curated photo album of the experience
opening group zoom circle (30 days before)
integration zoom circle (2 weeks after)


Alexis Sabatino

lead facilitator & creative director

An International Facilitator, and Founder of She Heals Collective, Alexis has been leading, organizing and facilitating groups for 15 years. She has the extraordinary gift of bringing women together for a unified purpose – to evolve & flourish. Alexis is a Spanish romance novel in a woman’s body – her presence is passionate, poetic and warms like an ancient fire, stoking the light within the darkness. She knows how to weave and catalyze the magic of a group field, that leaves every woman in the space feeling wild, inspired, connected. Alexis will be guiding the group in & through the ceremony of devotional women’s temple throughout the immersion; from dance to meditation to poetry and beyond.

Claire Law

operations | spiritual concierge

An International Beauty Maker, and Energy Alchemist, Claire specializes in harmonising the flow of energy in the seen & unseen realms. She is a master at translating the mystic into the physical plane. She has a very unique & efficient way of bringing balance/beauty into all spaces she touches. Claire’s presence is soft, playful, ethereal, & deeply refined. She weaves her impeccable gift of energy ritual to ensure the vibration supports the intention of our journeys. Claire will be the keeper of our 7 day hearth, our ritual fire keeper.

Anne Sarah Dijkhorst

ceremonial photographer | doula

An International Photographer from the Netherlands, Anne Sarah has the rare gift of awakening the raw beauty and essence of a woman. She specializes in offering Cacao Ceremonies and Ceremonial photoshoots around the world. She embodies the frequency of primal motherhood so exceptionally that it strips away inauthenticity and leaves you with an overwhelming sense of love & truth, that will touch you to your core. Anne Sarah will be our mountain doula, holding space for the seen & unseen magic – while simultaneously capturing the most sacred & poetic moments like an invisible angel.

Descubre el yoga como un Arte de Vivir