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Hummus | Comida Vegetariana


At breakfast, lunch, as a snack or for dinner. Hummus, a paté or puree made with a base of chickpeas and tahini (sesame paste) is originally from the Middle East (“hummus” means chickpea in Arabic) and is currently enjoyed in many other places all over the world.  At Casa Cuadrau we prepare it almost on a weekly basis and sometimes we even innovate, using other legumes (white broad beans or red lentils) or veggies such as beetroot. Nowadays it is relatively easy to find hummus in grocery stores or supermarkets, but we would like to encourage you to prepare homemade hummus, taste the different and enjoy the process! At first you can use this recipe but eventually it is more fun to improvise and make it your own by adding more or less of the ingredients, depending on your taste.


Hummus: for breakfast, for lunch, as a snack or for dinner. Here we make it every week and we are happy to share our recipe with you!

  • 1 1/4 cups cooked chickpeas ((1/2 – 3/4 raw chickpeas))
  • 1/4 cups olive oil
  • 2 tbsp tahini ((sesame paste))
  • 1 lemon, the juice
  • 1/2 tbsp paprika
  • salt, to taste
  • 1 or 2 garlic cloves ((optional))
  • 1 tsp ground cumin ((optional))
  • Olive oil, sesame seeds and paprika to decorate
  1. Mix all the ingredients and blend with a hand blender or food processor, until you get a creamy or more rustic puree, depending on the desired texture.

  2. To plate, add the hummus to a bowl, pour some olive oil, sesame or sesame seeds, paprika or cumin… as you prefer!

  3. You could also chop some carrots, celery or bell pepper in sticks and serve along some chopped bread too.

Measurements are in cups, tablespoons (tbsp) and teaspoons (tsp). If you don´t have a measuring cup you could use any other cup you have at home and, if you’d like to be very accurate and thorough with proportions, you could also use this cup-to-gram converter.